ALDO Conference
Inclusive Learning for Adults with Learning Disabilities
ALDO Final Conference in Brussels
Day & Time : 13th November 2015, from 9.30 to 17.00
Venue : Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Avenue du Boulevard 17, 1210 Brussels
Come share experiences and practices in education for adults with learning disabilities!
This conference will examine the social integration of persons with learning disabilities through education and training and the need to engage learners to prevent early school leaving. A project fair is organized where all projects related to inclusive education can be promoted and discussed.
The ALDO project has identified successful educational projects in education and training of adults with learning disabilities throughout Europe. An online observatory has been developed to promote the best practices and support the teachers and education staff improving their learning environment.
Join us!
If you would like to attend the conference, please register on
If you are interested in the topic, but are unable to come to Brussels, you can still join us! The conference will be livestreamed and accessible wherever you are – more information on the conference page above.
Project Fair : a project fair will take place during the lunch time, where everyone is welcome to present their projects linked to inclusive education. To participate, contact Tim Ghilain at [email protected] and bring material to present your project!
Booklet of best practices : Conference participants will receive a booklet including presentations of best practices on inclusive education as well as academic publications on the topic.
If you would like to include a best practice or a publication, contact Tim Ghilain at [email protected].
Conference Programme
09.00 : Registration
09.30 : David O'Connor, Welcome and presentation of the online observatory
10.00 : Manuela Mihaela Ciucurel, “Social integration of persons with learning disabilities through education and training”
11.00 : Coffee break
11.30 : Vivienne Branigan, “Need to engage learners to prevent early school leaving”
12.30 : Project Fair Lunch
Projects on inclusive learning are presented and discussed. Practical information on hardware/software in assistive technology
14.00 : Thomas Deharde, Workshop on “Education for deaf students”
14.40 : Marleen Clissen, Workshop on “Universal Design for Learning”
15.20 : Golfo Kateva, Workshop on “Educational opportunities of migrants”
16.00 : Elena Diaz, Workshop “Integration in labour market of people with learning disabilities”
16.40 : David O'Connor, Conclusion of the conference
The ALDO project
The ALDO, Adults with a Learning Disability – Observatory of Best Practice project is now in its second year. We broke the project into four distinct phases and we are now in the third phase. This is where the majority of the deliverables will be completed and made ready for publication and wide dissemination and exploitation in the fourth and final phase of the project.
At the end of the first year of the project, substantial progress had been made in the project and this was reflected in the results of the Progress report carried out by the European Commission. Some of the strong points noted were the solidarity of the partnership, how we manage individual points was also seen as a positive of the project. We are seen to be managing the project in an efficient manner which allows smooth production and equal contribution by all partners. The partnership itself is seen to be active, effecting and having a meaningful contribution to all Work Packages.
For this phase of the project the consortium will be focussing on the final production and quality assurance of the deliverables. We will be meeting in Ireland towards the end of July to work together in this task and we will also be planning for the final conference which will be in Brussels in November.
This is a very exciting time in the life of the project and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the contributors to the project to date for their help and I would like to extend a special thanks to all of the AG (Assessment Group) members in Cyprus, Romania, Belgium, Austria and Ireland for their dedication to the project and for their invaluable contributions to the project.
Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir! Thank you all very much!
Have a best practice?
If you know of a best practice in the field of education for adults with a learning disability, please share it with us!
Final conference : 13th November
We're looking forward to our Final Conference in Brussels. The observatory will be presented and we will have a excellent presentations and workshops on inclusive learning for people with disabilities.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 543065-LLP-1-2013-1-IE-KA4-KA4MP
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Our mailing address is: [email protected]