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Here you may find out information about our projects. Each project is described by using the same template: title, type, reference number, duration, actual stage, value of the grant, summary, expected outcomes, partnership.


1. ROMANIA on its way to European Integration: welcoming the “acquis communautaire” in the judicial system


3. Wo-Men: Gender Equality Creates Democracy [WO-MEN]


4. Social and Cultural Associations Development [SCAD]

5. Education for Parents - School of Inter-generational Communication


6. Back to School - A Chance for Better Life [BtoS]

7. Culture in Your Region in Informal Learning [CYRIL]

8. Educational Tool to Integrate Inmates [ETI 7]


9. Transfert d’innovation et de Méthode pour les Services a la Personne [TIMSAP]

10. Danube Networkers


11. Training of parents of people with disabilities [TPPD]

12. Pour des Actions Moins Excluantes [PAME]

13. Intercultural Learning in Youth Works

14. Adult Learning and European Idea


15. Era Valorificarii Antreprenoriatului feminine (The era of valorization of the women’s entrepreneurship) [EVA]

16. Adult Learning for MArginalised and Disadvantaged Citizens [ALMA-DC ]


17. VET concepts and programmes for professionals working with disabled children and families in divorced situations [DisVorced]

18. ECVET in the field of Health AND sociaL carE - Investigating and sharing implemented instruments and principles [HANDLE ECVET]

19. Major competencies to manage minor offenders [MAJMIN]


20. Roma people visiting the European Parliament in Brussels


21. Développer les compétences clés en formation professionnelle: Outils Pédagogiques Clés - les Savoir-Faire Comportementaux pour l'inclusion dans l'emploi [OPC-SFC]

22. Promoting the REcognizability of Learning outcomes from vocAtional educaTion to higher Education [RELATE]

23. Adults with a Learning Disability – Observatory of Best Practice [ALDO]

24. Seniors Learning with Apps [SenApp]

25. Web Based Training Tools for Health & Safety [WBTT for H&S]

26. Renforcement des capacités dans la formation et l'insertion  socioprofessionnelle des adultes en risque de précarité [T-CAP]

27. CONSOlidating through online teaching and LEarning the quality of VET providers [CONSOLE VET]


28. Us & Them: dialog, tolerance, collaboration for good coexistence in a multicultural world! (project website)

29. Making Learning Science Fun [SciFUN]

30. Developing Innovative Didactics for Workplace Training [DIDO]

31. Eco-Restaurateurs: Implémenter la certification « eco-restaurants » au niveau européen

32. Ed-Way: Education on the way: Introducing technology-enhanced informal learning

33. ComBuS: Combat Bullying:A Whole School Program


34. Empowering You

35. Compétences transversales : un pas de plus pour l'intégration en formation des Savoir-Faire Comportementaux en situation professionnelle [Step4-SFC]


36. Foster European Active Citizenship and Sustainability Through Ecological Thinking by NGOs [NGEnvironment]

37. Online training: the treasure within [onTrain]


37. Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy [Reliable GREEN]

38. Developing critical thinking to counteract disinformation across Europe [DesinfoEND]


39. Migrant and Refugee Youth COMMunication and advocacy for equity and inclusion [MYCOMM]


40. SUSTAIN-EU: European Sustainability Expert