Title and acronym: Developing critical thinking to counteract disinformation across Europe [DesinfoEND]
Project type: Erasmus+ KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Ref. no.: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000028297
Promoter /Coordinator:
Duration: 01-02-2022 to 31-01-2024
Total project grant: 190.942 EUR
Total expenditure (grant) for the Group for European Integration (GIE): 23.179 EUR
Local coordinator for Group for European Integration (GIE): Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN
Project website:
The main purpose of this project is to promote the social inclusion of adults in a vulnerable situation through the acquisition of critical thinking and digital and media literacy skills. Most europeans trust the information they receive through traditional media like radio, TV or newspapers, but only 47% trust online newspapers. In order to fight disinformation it is essential to train citizens to be critical so they can analyse and verify the information they receive.
The EU Commission released a joint communication in 2020 warning about the increase of disinformation during COVID-19, and that this can have grave consequences for our societies and democratic institutions. Over 50% of Europeans believe they have been exposed to disinformation online, according to a recent Eurobarometer survey (March, 2021).
The 2021-2027 EU Digital Education Action plan stresses the need for a quality, inslusive and accessible digital education. The group of Europeans with no information skills is made up mostly of people aged 65-74 years old, people on: low incomes, the unemployed and the less educated.
This is an important need to be addressed at a European level, given that digital competence and media literacy have never been as important as nowadays and their lack contributes to the exclusion or partial exclusion of these people from society.
The project will adopt an educational model based on the democratization of training activities and focused on providing participants digital fluency. These groups are also the most vulnerable in front of disinformation and, therefore, they will be the target group of our project.
DesinfoEND aims to develop the digital and media capacities of vulnerable adults, with a special focus on adults aged +55, unemployed and low-educated.
The general objectives of DesinfoEND project are:
To strengthen social inclusion and active digital participation in society of vulnerable groups, especially adults with low levels of education, unemployed and aged +55
To transfer the Dialogic Media and Digital Literacy methodology to tackling disinformation in adult education with an intercultural and intergenerational approach, in diverse topics such as health, migration, ethnic minorities, gender violence, etc
To offer an innovative Toolkit co-created with vulnerable adults that supports inclusive and participative ICT and Media Literacy training through the implementation of SEAs with a participatory, sustainable and dialogic approach
To promote of common EU values and critical civic engagement and participation, by developing social and intercultural competences, critical thinking and media literacy of vulnerable adults
Training of adult education professionals and volunteers on how to combat disinformation in their ICT courses and/or courses in other areas of knowledge, using the DMDL methodology
Increase the quality educational offer in the digital field oriented to digitally excluded groups
- Digitally empowered vulnerable adults by providing a quality training on digital and media literacy
- Acquisition of new skills by vulnerable adults; to identify disinformation and analyse critically all the information they receive
- Promotion of EU common values, such as human rights, freedom and equality, as well as other related topics like the right to be informed about the scientific evidences in health, education, gender violence, etc. and combatting prejudices against migration, ethning minorities, among others
- Transferring two Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) Interactive Groups and Dialogic Gatherings to Media Literacy in order to tackle disinformation among vulnerable adults, with an inclusive, democratic and evidence-based approach
- Better trained professionals and volunteers in adult education organisations
- Toolkit for inclusive and participative ICT and Media Literacy training.
More precisely, all of the above outcomes will be gathered in two major Project Results (PRs), namely:
- desinfoEND Toolkit on how to implement Dialogic Media Literacy Gatherings to counteract disinformation in adult education
- desinfoEND MOOC course for educators on how to implement Dialogic Media Literacy Gatherings to counteract disinformation in adult education
- Asociacion de personas participantes Agora (Spain) - coordinator
- Federació d'Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (Spain)
- European association for the education of adults (Belgium)
- Fondazione Hallgarten – Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca (Italy)
- Grupul pentru Integrare Europeană (Romania)
DesinfoEND Newsletter 3 RO
Invitation to the Final Conference & Networking Reception
of the desinfoEND project
Developing Critical Thinking to Counteract Disinformation across Europe
Hosted by Marcos ROS
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:00 AM | 1 hour | (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
Meeting number: 2790 441 6275
Password: hvYt2jM6mp6
Join by video system
Dial [email protected]
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+32-2-894-8317 Belgium Toll 2
+352-2088-1750 Luxembourg Toll 2
Access code: 279 044 16275
GIE was honored to participate in the Lifelong Learning Week (13th edition), an event organized by the European Parliament between 27.11.2023 and 01.12.2023, a milestone in the European education agenda, thanks to the support of civil society actors and Members of the European Parliament. The event brought together learners and educators, field workers and policy-makers, researchers and political representatives, and allowed them to discuss today's greatest educational challenges. The 13th LLL Week was hosted by M.E.P. Dragos PISLARU.
During the LLL Week, GIE representatives participated in the Final Conference Developing Critical Thinking to Counteract Disinformation across Europe, organized at the European Parliament (A. Spinelli Building) within the DesinfoEND project, financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ KA2 Program.
At the DesinfoEND Final Conference, the welcome spech was addressed to participants by M.E.P. Marcos ROS SEMPERE.
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