ROMANIA on its way to European Integration
Title: ROMANIA on its way to European Integration: welcoming the “acquis communautaire in the judicial system
Acronym: None
Project type : PHARE
Ref. no.: PHARE / 2003 / 064 - 759
Promoter/coordinator: Group for European Integration
Duration: 1 year
Actual stage: finished
Total value of the Contract: 44,632 EUR
The project aims at taking concrete actions with regards to the judicial system, in order to directly and effectively support Romanian efforts towards European Integration, and also in the view of strengthening the collaboration and exchange of information & good practices with its neighbours, meaning with the accession countries trying to absorb acquis and to implement this into the internal structures at different levels and extents. The project addresses at two different target groups :
(a) persons having direct contact with and officially working for the European enlargement and the integration process (representatives of authorities, public administration, politicians, policy makers, decision takers, etc.);
(b) the large public composed by ordinary citizens needing to find out accurate and up-to-date information about the implications, effects and potential benefits of the integration process.
The main activities to be achieved during the project are: 1 international conference, 1 seminar and 1 info kiosk.
The project addresses to the first objective of the Small Projects Programme and to its second priority for 2003. Thus, the general objective (G.O.) of the present project is formulated as rendered below and is divided in specific objectives (S.O.):
G.O.: To raise awareness on European integration and the Enlargement process both in candidates and EU member countries participating in the project (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungaria, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, France, Italy, United Kingdom), in the view of a better implementation and in order to increase the role of the judicial system in respecting the human rights and values (including the rights of the minorities), the European values and the law of democracy.
This general objective of the project focuses on the following specific objectives:
S.O.1.: To gather useful information and data referring to the European integration and to the European Union's Enlargement.
S.O.2.: To increase and facilitate access to knowledge, know-how and good practices in the envisaged field for categories of public as large and divers as possible.
S.O.3.: To initiate in the candidate states participating in the project a consultation process on Europe 's Enlargement in relation with the judiciary related themes.
S.O.4.: To effectively inform people and to draw their attention upon main targets within the integration process, emphasizing what the Enlargement process means, which are the obligations related to this and the freedoms resulting from it.
S.O.5.: To support by its actions and to deliver provisions for the implementation of acquis in the field of judicial system.
S.O.6.: To join all together people in charge or having different responsibilities in order to exchange information and to decide common future strategies and ways for the further development and for speeding up the integration process .
- Group for European Integration - RO (as partner)
- Persons from Lithuania , Poland , Hungary , Bulgaria , Czech Republic , Italy and United Kingdom (as collaborators)
Page of the conference: click here.
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