Rezultatele si produsele proiectului CONSOLE VET

CONSOLE VET - Imagini din timpul acivitatilor

CONSOLE VET - Imagini cu rezultate ale activitatilor desfasurate pe perioada mobilitatii

Title: CONSOlidating through online teaching and LEarning the quality of VET providers [CONSOLE VET]

Project type: LLP/LdV –  training mobility VETPRO
Ref. No.: LLP - LdV/VETPRO/2013/RO/185

Promoter /Coordinator: Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana (Group for European Integration GIE), Romania

Duration: September 2013 – June 2014

Current stage: in progress

Total value of the grant: 21.700 Euro

Value of the grant for Group for European Integration: 21.700 Euro


CONSOLE VET will involve two partner institutions: Group for European Integration (GIE) from Romania and CARDET from Cyprus. Both institutions have experience in running EU and transnational projects. Their cooperation in CONSOLE VET is based on perfect matching between the ultra-specific training needs of GIE's target group (VET trainers) and the VET provision delivered by CARDET in the field of eLearning and online programmes. In terms of target group, the project addresses the VET trainers that work in GIE and train different categories of persons (long-time and short-time unemployed, vulnerable persons, especially women, persons taking re-training and re-qualification, persons belonging to minority groups, etc.). As group of beneficiaries, CONSOLE VET will involve 10 VET trainers (of which one is in the same time the manager responsible with Human Resources at GIE).

The project will address the needs of professional training of VET trainers from GIE regarding the efficient implementation and use of eLearning/online tools, the correct utilization of didactic evaluation methods for online learning courses and assessment of learning outcomes in online programs.

The general objectives of CONSOLE VET project are:


The expected outcomes are:


The mobility will take place in Nicosia (Cyprus) at CARDET company, between 2nd and 15th of February 2014.


  1. GIE: Group for European Integration – coordinator (RO)
  2. CARDET: Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology (CY)