Title: Combat Bullying:A Whole School Program [ComBuS]

Project type: project developed and financed by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union

Ref. no.: JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/7698

Promoter /Coordinator: Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology Limited – CARDET, (coordinator), Cyprus

Duration: 01.10.2015 – 30.09.2017

Total project grant: 261,695.97 Euro

Total grant for the Group for European Integration: 13,691.64 Euro

Local coordinator for the Group for European Integration: Ramona Ionela CIUCĂ


Recent research has shed light on the multifaceted and pervasive nature of bullying in school contexts (Olweus & Limber, 2007; Craig & Harel 2004), its linkages with antisocial and criminal behaviour, and children’s engagement with education generally (Boulton et al, 2012). In addition, recent research on cyberbullying (Mark and Ratcliffe, 2011) has shown that bullying remains a pervasive problem which continues to plague schools and requires interventions which involve all school stakeholders, and are grounded in the curriculum.

ComBuS will develop and implement activities and a comprehensive anti-bullying policy and programs targeting all stakeholders in schools and their local communities. The project will involve students, parents, teachers, school leaders, and staff in a participatory and empowering manner. We aim to reach directly at least 2040 students, 480 teachers, 120 school leaders, 120 school staff and 600 parents in the 6 partner countries, while more than 10000 members of the abovementioned target groups, from all EU, will be reached via implementation and dissemination activities. Our project proposal envisions a blended approach to fighting bullying in face-to-face, online and mobile encounters including experiential workshops, online learning platforms, networking sites and mobile applications.

Aim and objectives:

The aim of the project “Combat Bullying: A Whole School Program”(ComBuS) is to develop a whole school program that will empower students, teachers, school staff, school leaders, and parents to combat bullying and create healthy and safe school communities, using blended (F2F, online and mobile) methodologies, tools, and activities.

The overall objectives of the ComBuS are to increase the capacity and raise awareness in combating bullying among the abovementioned target groups, by providing them multifunctional and multidimensional tools and practices based on the 2007 EU Guidelines on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of the Child that focus on combating all forms of violence against children, the EU agenda for the rights of the child, and the 2012/29/EU Directives on the rights of victims


The main activities and outcomes of ComBuS project are to:

• Conduct a needs analysis to investigate the nature and extent of bullying in the partner countries and EU, and the capacity building needs in combating bullying among school leaders students, parents, teachers, and school staff through questionnaires and focus groups

• Review the literature, other programs, anti-bullying initiatives and collect lessons learned from design, development and implementation of similar programs

• Build a whole school program (ComBuS Toolkit) that will engage school leaders, students, teachers, school staff and parents in detecting and combating bullying of various forms including: 1) face-to-face, 2) online, 3) mobile, carried out individually or in groups.

• Implement the program in at least 2 schools per country

• Disseminate the model widely, and ensure its flexibility and adaptability for different contexts securing its long term sustainability

• Host a European conference on bullying

The Toolkit will consist of activities such as:



  1. Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development In Educational Technology  - CARDET (coordinator), Cyprus
  2. Universitatea din Pitesti – UPIT, Romania
  3. Grupul pentru Integrare Europeană – GIE, Romania
  4. Innovation Training Center - ITC, Spain
  5. Family and Childcare Center - KMOP, Greece
  6. Fo.Ri.Um societa cooperativa - FORIUM, Italy
  7. Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Ltd - MCRSDP, Ireland